14 – 18 August 2018

Summer Conducting Programme 2017, College Hall, Worcester Cathedral with Evoke
Worcester, UK
Soak up 1000 years of history in the beautiful city of Worcester with Voces Academy’s 9th Annual Summer Conducting Programme. Conductors are offered the opportunity to work intensively on a variety of a cappella choral works with internationally respected conductors, Peter Hanke and Victoria Ely, within the breathtaking Worcester Cathedral. The masterclass program will focus on conducting gesture, rehearsal technique and the exploration of the conductor’s role as an inspiring and effective leader. Award-winning chamber choir, Evoke, will be joining the masterclasses as the learning ensemble.
Voces Academy is pleased to be collaborating with the Worcester Festival, Worcester Cathedral and the Elgar School of Music for this event.
Musical Leadership
Voces Academy’s philosophy is centred around the conductor as an inspirational leader, where understanding the needs of the ensemble is paramount to the success of any rehearsal or performance. Conducting masterclasses in gesture and rehearsal technique develop effective choral direction that expresses articulation, phrasing and physical communication, and allows the singers to feel both free and in great demand. Through mutual exploration of each conductor’s personal approach and abilities, an individualised map emerges of how to develop great conducting.
New in 2018, Voces Academy Summer Conducting Programme is open to conductors of all levels. We have two different offers to match conductors of similar skill-level and experience:
Long Course for advanced conductors with some years’ experience, post-graduate level or similar.
Short Course for developing conductors with some experience and desire to establish good technical knowledge and ability.
The two streams will work separately with technical sessions focusing on gesture each day, grouping conductors of similar experience and ability together. There will also be an opportunity for both groups to come together for mutual learning activities.

Worcester Cathedral, 2017
Tues 14th Aug – morning arrival
M’Class Day 1
With local singers
Wed 15th Aug
M’Class Day 2
Young Global Leaders Workshop (WEF), Oxford University
Thurs 16th Aug
M’Class Day 3
Informal demonstration; open to public
With local singers
Annual Summer Programme Dinner
Short course concludes.
Fri 17th Aug
M’Class Day 4
With Evoke
Saturday 18th Aug
M’Class Day 5
Closing Performance
With Evoke
Sun 19 Aug
Depart Worcester
Voces Academy offers a comprehensive programme of conducting masterclasses, rehearsal techniques sessions and informal performances, all within a supportive environment. Conductors will experience focussed sessions with colleagues of similar experience and/or skill-level and whole-group sessions in which mutual learning and mentorship is established. Developing conductors are invited and encouraged to remain on the Summer Programme for the final two days as observers and members of the ensemble for a full and rich learning experience.
*Schedule may be subject to change

Worcester Cathedral
Worcester Cathedral
College Hall
Elgar School of Music
Masterclass sessions will take place in Worcester Cathedral, College Hall and the Elgar School of Music. Sessions in the cathedral and the Closing Performance are part of the Worcester Festival and will be open to the public for observation. Sessions in the Elgar School of Music are for participants only.
Reger, Acht Geistliche Gesänge, Op. 138
Mauersberger, Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst (Edition Merseberger)
Leighton, Drop Drop Slow Tears (Novello)
Parry, Crossing the Bar
Parry, My Soul There is a Country
Elgar, They are at Rest
Willcocks, Lacrymosa (MorningStar Music MSM-50-8007)
Dowland, Come Again
de Wert, Vox in Rama
Chilcott, Even Such is Time (OUP)
Participants are expected to provide their own scores. Links have been provided for works out of copyright and can be freely printed. All other works are still in copyright should to be obtained according to the editions specified.
Participation Fees
Up to 8 Active Conductors will be accepted in each course.
Prices include masterclass sessions, conducting exercises and Summer Programme Dinner on Thurs 16th Aug. Accommodation is offered separately.
Short Course, Tues 14th – Thurs 16th August
For developing conductors with some experience and a desire to establish good technical knowledge and ability. Conductors in this stream are invited and encouraged to observe the final two days of the long course.
Full £290
Student £215
Observer 17th-18th Aug + £40 (additional to conductor participation fee)
Long Course, Tues 14th – Sat 18th August
For advanced conductors with some years’ experience, post-graduate level or similar.
Full £360
Student £285
Observer £150
Please note, applications have now closed and all active participant places on the 5-day advanced course are full. One place is available on the 3-day developing conductor course, please email victoria@vocesacademy.org for details of how to apply.
Observers are still invited to apply.

Single ensuite room, University of Worcester
Accommodation is offered at the University of Worcester, City Campus, halls of residence and consists of a single room with ensuite bathroom facilities.
Full Course; 5 nights (Tues 14 – Sat 18) £230 pp
Short Course; 3 nights (Tues 14-Sat 16) £138 pp
Prices include breakfast.
Applications as active participants on the programme are now closed.
Observers are still invited to apply. Please use the Application Form
Conductors are asked to submit a link to a recent performance or rehearsal, clearly showing their conducting technique, and a CV. To apply please complete the Application Form.
A £40 unrefundable application fee/deposit is payable on application. Upon successful admittance, this is deducted from the participation fee and the remaining amount is due by 1st June 2018.
All applicants will be notified by Monday 21st May.
For further information, please contact Victoria Ely, Conductor // Producer:
+4478966 35323
Thanks to our partners and sponsors:
Elgar School of Music
Worcester Cathedral
Worcester Festival